Monday, November 16, 2009

Maria Dolce POI, November 13 2009

Hi MD legionaries,

This is the Handbook assignment for next meeting.
Page 236-middle of 237: Hospital visitation

The Allocated Work will be exam visitation and exam rosary.

Souls in purgatory
CSA activity's preparation

Thank you and hope you will have a blessed weekend...

Stefanus T.

Maria Dolce POI, October 23 2009

Hi all,

Sorry for the late post. The following are the POI and handbook assignment for this week.

Legion Activity (Patrician Meeting)
Disaster's victims
Study (Exam)
Souls in Purgatory

Hand Book Assignment:
page 290-291 #1 Home to home visitation
page 309-311 #2 Every Soul

Thanks!! And have a good day...

In Christ,

Maria Dolce POI, October 16 2009

Hi all,

How's your weekend? I hope it is good. The following are the POI and handbook assignment for this week.

CSA and Legion Activity (Patrician Meeting)
Disaster's victims
Vocation to priesthood
Souls in Purgatory

Hand Book Assignment:
page 290-291 #1 Home to home visitation
page 309-311 #2 Every Soul

Br. Jo and Br. Stefanus to Br. Endang

Thanks!! And have a good long weekend... Yey!!

In Christ,
Stefanus Tedjaseputro

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Maria Dolce POI, October 2 2009

Hi all,

The following are the POI, handbook assignment, and visitation assignment for the week:

1. Disasters around the world
2. Study
3. Souls in Purgatory
4. People who haven't gotten job
5. People who haven't gotten room

Handbook Assignment
Reading: p. 179-181, no. 1 & 2, Extension and recruiting
The handbook reading discussion (and possibly the allocutio if sister could not come next week) would be led by Br Chandra. Thank you!

Visitation Assignment
Gibran and Jo: Visit Br. Burhan
Chandra, Okta, and Ika: Visit Sr. Lily
Jo and Stephanus: Visit Br. Endang

Thanks! And have a good night!

In Christ,
Gibran Limi Jaya

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Maria Dolce POI, September 25, 2009

Hi all,

The following are the POI, handbook assignment, and visitation assignment for the week (So sorry for the late posting... Will post immediately next time.. Thanks!):


1. New CSA executive committee
2. The execution of Legion Yearly plan
3. Souls in Purgatory
4. Pray for those who haven't gotten room
5. Study

Handbook Assignment
Reading: p. 193-195 numbers 3-7

Visitation Assignment
Gibran, Surya, and Jo: Visit Br. Burhan
Chandra, Okta, and Ika: Visit Sr. Lily
Jo and Stephanus: Visit Br. Endang

Thanks! And have a good night!

In Christ,

Gibran Limi Jaya

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Maria Dolce POI, September 11, 2009

Hi guys,
Apology for the late posting on the visitation, handbook assignment, and POI... Here are the details of the works and intentions.
Visitation Assignment: 

Br. Gibran and Br. Surya: Visit Br. Tanzil 
Br. Jo and Sr. Sheetal: Visit Br. Burhan 
Br. Chandra, Br. Stephanus, and Sr. Ika: Visit Sr. Lily

Handbook Assignment: 
Person in charge: Br. Surya Reading: p. 191-193 number 2 about Performance of the Weekly Work Obligation

1. Souls in Purgatory (SIP) 
2. CSA Executive Committee member - they will always need people praying for them... Running CSA is not an easy task... God has to come into the picture 
3. RCIA (Rite for Christian Initiation for Adults) - last time I heard, there are only around 2 people enrolling in the program. Usually there are around 6-8 people. I know that number is not of the utmost importance. But, just pray for them. 
4. Legion annual plan execution - pray so that all of us are able to learn and understand the spirit of the Legion 
5. Study (I have exam this coming saturday x), pray for me, haha) 
6. Indonesian Earthquake
Thank you! 

And have a good night! 
In Christ,
Gibran Limi Jaya

Monday, September 7, 2009

LTR Schedule

Hi all,

This is the schedule for Lunch Time Rosary.....

Monday : Hazel, Sunitha, Fitri
Tuesday : Kevin, Surya
Wednesday : Kevin, Stefanus, Maria
Thursday : Fitri, Surya, Stefanus.

It will be at 12.30 pm in front of Cafe Express (Nanyang Auditorium). Please bring your Rosary and also Rosary booklet if you have.

If you have any timetable change, please inform me so that I can change the LTR schedule.

Thank you very much.

Stefanus T.

PS: Chandra and Gibran, what day are you available?