Saturday, September 26, 2009

Maria Dolce POI, September 11, 2009

Hi guys,
Apology for the late posting on the visitation, handbook assignment, and POI... Here are the details of the works and intentions.
Visitation Assignment: 

Br. Gibran and Br. Surya: Visit Br. Tanzil 
Br. Jo and Sr. Sheetal: Visit Br. Burhan 
Br. Chandra, Br. Stephanus, and Sr. Ika: Visit Sr. Lily

Handbook Assignment: 
Person in charge: Br. Surya Reading: p. 191-193 number 2 about Performance of the Weekly Work Obligation

1. Souls in Purgatory (SIP) 
2. CSA Executive Committee member - they will always need people praying for them... Running CSA is not an easy task... God has to come into the picture 
3. RCIA (Rite for Christian Initiation for Adults) - last time I heard, there are only around 2 people enrolling in the program. Usually there are around 6-8 people. I know that number is not of the utmost importance. But, just pray for them. 
4. Legion annual plan execution - pray so that all of us are able to learn and understand the spirit of the Legion 
5. Study (I have exam this coming saturday x), pray for me, haha) 
6. Indonesian Earthquake
Thank you! 

And have a good night! 
In Christ,
Gibran Limi Jaya

Monday, September 7, 2009

LTR Schedule

Hi all,

This is the schedule for Lunch Time Rosary.....

Monday : Hazel, Sunitha, Fitri
Tuesday : Kevin, Surya
Wednesday : Kevin, Stefanus, Maria
Thursday : Fitri, Surya, Stefanus.

It will be at 12.30 pm in front of Cafe Express (Nanyang Auditorium). Please bring your Rosary and also Rosary booklet if you have.

If you have any timetable change, please inform me so that I can change the LTR schedule.

Thank you very much.

Stefanus T.

PS: Chandra and Gibran, what day are you available?

Maria Dolce POI, September 4, 2009

Hi all,

The following are the POI, handbook assignment, and visitation assignment for the coming week:

1. New CSA executive committee
2. The execution of Legion Yearly plan
3. Pray for the freshmen
4. Souls in purgatory
5. Pray for lapse Catholic (Chandra's contact)

Handbook Assignment
Person in charge: Jo
Reading: p. 70-72 numbers 4 and 5 about The Primary obligation and The weekly Meeting
The person in charge will prepare sharing questions for discussion during spiritual reading section in the legion meeting.
Thanks Jo! :)

Visitation Assignment
Gibran and Surya: Visit Br. Tanzil
Chandra, Tedjo, and Ika: Visit Sr. Lily

Thanks! And have a good night!

In Christ,
Gibran Limi Jaya

Friday, September 4, 2009

MG & MS : Allocated Work and POI

Hi MS and MG members,

This is the allocated readings for next week :
p. 70-72 numbers 4 and 5  : The Primary obligation; The weekly Meeting

Questions for helping in discussion:
1) What is the primary obligation of the legionary?
2) Why is there weekly meeting in the Legion of Mary?

Earthquake in Indonesia

By Sr. Fitri

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Praesidium Indoor Function

Hi Legionaries,

I want to point something out from the Handbook regarding the Indoor Function:


It is strongly recommended that each praesidium will hold a social function about the feast of the Nativity of Our Lady. In centres where there are many praesidia, several praesidia may, if they desire, combine to hold such a festival.

Suitable persons, who are not legionaries, may be invited to attend, with a view to inducing them to undertake membership.

It is recommended that the full Legion prayers (including the rosary) be said, divided into three parts as at a praesidium meeting. The time thus taken from the social part of the evening does not amount to many minutes, but this tribute to Our Lady will be more than repaid by the enhanced success of the function. The Queen of the Legion is the "Cause of Our Joy," and she will reply by making the occasion one of special happiness.

Interspersed among the musical items should be at least one short Legion talk. All will, thereby, learn a little more about the Legion, and incidentally the programme will be diversified. Mere entertainment tends to pall.

(Chapter 30)

This Praesidium (or Indoor) Function is what must be held around Mother Mary's birthday and is different from the Outdoor Function which we just held as a Curia. So praesidia, do keep this in mind and try to organize a get together along the lines that the Handbook describes.

God bless!